Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Going Abroad

My 14-year-old daughter and I are going on a mission trip this summer to the Dominican Republic. After praying about it, talking about it, and thinking about it for two weeks, we made the decision and commitment this past Sunday.

I'm excited and anxious.

Excited because my daughter wants to stretch herself and try something way outside her comfort zone. My amazement of this hasn't worn off yet.

Excited because I'm starting to discover the fun in being open to God's leading and letting Him surprise me. Three weeks ago, if someone had told me we'd be going on this trip, I wouldn't have believed it.

Anxious because it's a third-world country with all its diseases and poverty. Should I feel guilty for exposing my child to such things, or should I feel guilty for being concerned about it? There are arguments for both.

At the moment, I mostly feel relief that we're no longer agonizing over the decision and that we can move forward with preparations.

And I'm certain it will turn out good.
Romans 8:28

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